The Medieval Censorship Of The Talmud

The Medieval Censorship Of The Talmud
[With Regards To Arrius Calpurnius Piso And His Family]
(Roman Piso, 11-06-2000, edited & updated 03-21-2017)

During the course of our research, Abelard Reuchlin and I had developed a relationship with each other in terms of our work regarding the Roman creation of Christianity and all things related to that. Reuchlin has areas which he is more proficient in and I have mine; and in many areas, we are both authorities. But where he is more familiar or knowledgeable, he leads and I confirm. And visa versa.

Reuchlin, for example, is more familiar with the Torah, Talmud (both the Babylonian and the Jerusalem Talmud), and other Jewish (Hebrew & Aramaic) texts. So, herein I will be quoting and commenting upon items originally pointed out by Abelard Reuchlin. He says that;

“The medieval censorship of the Talmud by the Church has been alluded to with reference to the name “Yeshu ben Pandira” (Pantiri).* Because this name included “Yeshu” it was an obvious target (of Church censors). But it was far from the only target.”

There are many today who are familiar with Yeshu ben Pandira (Yeshu ben Pantera) in the Talmud. Privy Jews, would understand or could read this as “Yeshu (i.e., the NT ‘Jesus’), son of [his] Mother.” Some have speculated that the meaning of this was that the ‘Jesus’ in question knew who is mother was, but was uncertain of who his father was. Which, could also apply. However, the actual meaning is that the author was pointing out just WHO the NT Jesus was, by pointing to his mother. How? Because the NT Jesus was aka Arrius Piso. And by pointing to his mother (‘Arria’), the author was also saying that the person playing the part of the NT Jesus, carried the masculine form of his mother’s name – ‘Arrius’. Continuing, Reuchlin also said;

“Piso had smitten, had destroyed, the Temple, and boasted of it in code, and he was long dead. The Jews were unable to reciprocate in kind. The most they could do was reciprocate in their own literature. Thus they wished on him posthumously that he should smite himself!”

The Jews could only respond to Arrius Piso, Pliny The Younger and the other Piso family members by doing so with stealth. They were not allowed to write openly about it or the retaliation for doing so would be merciless. Regarding Piso, Reuchlin says…

“Piso is answered (in the Talmud) under the name of YOSI. This was obviously short for his Greek IOSEPOS (name/identity). Twice in mesichta (volume) b.Sanhedrin at pp. 56a and 60a (in fact on the very top line of the former) appears the phrase “YACKEH YOSI ET YOSI.”
[Or “may Yosi (Josephus) smite Yosi (Josephus).” Note that there is another meaning to ‘smite’ here and that is the vulgar form of having “inter*****.”] The commentator in the Talmud suggests that this meant that a John Doe (the purported meaning of YOSI) who blasphemed God should himself be blasphemed. It did not mean that. Instead, it was a frustrated hope, in literary form, that “Piso should do IT to himself!””

It should be obvious that there had to be some reason for such comments having been placed into the Talmud, but without knowing who it refers to, it makes no sense. That’s why the authors of the Talmud do what they can within the restraints that they had to deal with, to help the reader to uncover just what the Jewish authors were trying to inform the reader of.

“The Church taught its largely illiterate populations that the Jews would accept Christ if only they were not misled and blinded by the erroneous opinions about Christ in their Talmud. The Church controlled everything. Thus it was able to enforce its will on the Jews, that is, seize and censor their books.”

For many years, the Jewish commentators in the Talmud had been busy placing information as best they could, about the Pisos and what they had done in terms of creating Christianity and of their having tried to destroy the Jews; because the Jews were witnesses to what they were doing.

“The ancient Jewish rabbis starting at Yavneh before the year 100 C.E., and the generations of their successors who would put the Talmud together were literate in Greek and knew the Piso’s codes. They had responded to Piso with their own Hebrew and Aramaic Inner-Circle allusions, which were based on those he (Piso) had created in Greek.”

A great many people today are still sorely ignorant of ancient language and the letters & words used at the time that they immediately think that anything to do with numbers (like ‘666’) has to refer to something religious or superstitious, when in fact, their alphabet (or letters of the alphabet) were unlike ours today in that they served a dual or double purpose; they were both letters AND numbers.

And, they were used that way on a regular basis. Their alphabet was what is called ‘alpha-numeric’. Up until fairly recent times, the Latin alphabet was regularly used to represent numbers. The NFL still uses the Latin letter-numbers (alpha-numerics) to designate which Super Bowl it is for each season.

Julius Calpurnius Piso wrote The Revelation and he used ‘666’ to point to his father (Arrius Piso) writing as Flavius Josephus; because at the time that he wrote The Revelation, the only other place to find ‘666’ was in the writings of Flavius Josephus. Julius Piso finished The Revelation in 137 CE/AD.

Julius Piso’s nephew, Antoninus Pius (who became emperor), realized that 666 pointed directly to Flavius Josephus and he wanted to make it so that people would not look at Flavius Josephus for connections to the creation of Christianity; so he wrote as Suetonius and made people think that 666 referred to ‘Nero’ (in 145 CE/AD). This paper, will give the reader essential information regarding the alphanumeric aspect of ancient languages:

666 – Piso Numbers & The New Testament

Also today, most people, including so-called scholars, are not aware of many of the very important aspects regarding the people, places, events of the time in which the New Testament was written. There is the general view and understanding, but there is also the concise or specific view.

Only when one has a base of knowledge from which to draw from, such as a profile workup on each individual involved, is one able to view so much of this as they should. Arrius Piso, for instance, was mainly writing in Greek. The Jewish leaders, in general, could read & write in Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek. Pliny The Younger, was reading & writing in both Greek & Latin.

“Nor did they (the Talmudists) dare to write these nasty comments in Palestine which was under Rome’s control, but rather in the Babylonian Talmud written in Persia beyond Rome’s control. The Talmudic nastiness toward Minim, Goyim, Star-worshippers, Cutheans, Canaanites – all (were) disguised literary attacks on the Pisos – were only a fairy-tale world. Where it is stated Minim or Cutheans who have fallen into a pit need not be brought up, or a Cuthi may be killed, these are fanciful wishes, born of frustration but impossible of deed.”

This is true. This is the correct context in which to read and think of this subject. Knowing this is the difference between being able to know any of this correctly or of completely misunderstanding it. There is only one correct way; and that is to know everything possible about it.

“The Church censors could find, seize and expurgate such obvious Talmudic Hebrew allusions as the name Yeshu ben Pantiri, and words like “Minim” which they thought meant early Hebrew Christians. However, the Herodians in Rome with their deep knowledge of Hebrew and of Inner-Circle codes, were many centuries dead. And the censors lacked knowledge of the Talmudic responses to Piso’s countless Inner-Circle allusions – and even if they were somehow knowledgeable in Hebrew (they missed so many anyway). Thus, such Hebrew allusions as Abba Koloon, Avkoloos, Bar Leviyonus, Bar Kamtsah, the rooster, hen, cake, baker, horse, camel and the use of numbers, both individually and in the spelling of Hebrew words, and the switching of Hebrew letters – all generally escaped the Church censors.”

That too, is true. Up to a point. As I had started to say above, the Jews had gotten away with saying a great deal in the Talmud about Piso and his family, for a long while. And that is because for those many years, much did escape the notice of Church (Roman Catholic) censors. However, that did not last. Once the Holy Roman Empire had been established, the Church ordered censors to study much more and to look more closely at what the Jews had been writing. They found much of what they had missed before, and needed to find a solution. They thought about this for a number of years, and then came up with the idea of destroying as much of the Jewish books as they could, while also killing as many Jews as they could, while robbing them as well; but doing so in a way that would not be seen that way in history. The answer was the Crusades.

“Despite the censorship and enforced conversion sermons in synagogues, the Jews refused to convert to Christianity. The Church, frustrated, started seizing and burning the Talmud as a whole – in addition to framing the Jews on spurious charges and expelling those they had not burned at the stake.”

The Church leaders came up with the idea of making a number of armed attacks upon various Jewish communities along the way to Jerusalem. The Crusaders were made to appear as heroes in Church history, their main, true goal was hidden in that same history.

“The Talmud writers took (great) pains to insure that their scholars of future generations would well remember that it was the Pisos who had destroyed their nation and caused continuing empire-wide hatred against them.”

There were several different ‘Crusades’. These were orchestrated to be a form of genocidal “cleansing” – to get rid of as many copies of the Talmud as possible, and as many Jews as possible. The Crusaders, raped, robbed, plundered, and killed thousands of Jews.

“By the early 1500’s, the church had instigated the expulsion of most Jews from Catholic Europe. The Talmud and what it said about “Yeshu” and “Minim” was no longer a prime concern of the Church. Besides, the Church well knew these Talmudic statements were but the tip of the iceberg of its great secret which it had labored so many centuries to preserve. Other problems now faced it: problems in Europe from the invention of printing and then the stirrings of Protestantism.”**

After the Crusades, the Church went on to persecute, torture and kill Jews in other ways. They passed laws or bulls, and had various rulers within the Holy Roman Empire do the same. There were expulsions of Jews, wherein, many instances, their property and belongings were ‘confiscated’. That is, they were once again robbed. Inquisitions too, were implemented, so that once more, Jews were forced to tell where copies of the Talmud were, while being tortured and then killed.

* Both words for “lion” and “panther” too were being used inter-changeably so that when “panther” was used even in disguised variants of the word it still really meant “lion” and “lion” in turn meant or stood for “ari” (Arrius). So, we also have this cleverly disguised; “Yeshu (Jesus), son (invention/creation) of Arrius!”

** The invention of movable type was attributed to Johannes Gutenberg, and also the printing press. Movable type was invented about the year 1448, and the printing press about 1450 C.E. By the early 1500’s, there was no real sense in burning copies of the Talmud as new copies could be printed in their place. This was a frightening prospect to the Church! For anyone who knows their history, nonetheless, the Church would continue to harass, rob, torture and kill many Jews. And both the Church and their allies would continue to both confiscate and destroy their books for all of the reasons stated here.

For more information on regarding the mention of the Piso family in the Talmud, also read the following:

Arrius Calpurnius Piso (aka the NT Jesus) In The Talmud

Pliny The Younger (aka the NT Paul) In The Talmud